
RELIGION (6) - Is anybody there? (6) Humankind's time

Human has the time between birth and death.

Archaic Judaism believed in a place called Sheol. This place is for the shadows, as in the Greek mythology the realm of Hades. Sheol does not equal to Hell – souls are not suffering, this is a place for the speechless who is still as death. In the scripture it is emphasized that God is the God of the Living and not the Dead. As it is written in Psalm 115:17 “It is not the dead who praise the Lord , those who go down to silence” And in Psalm 88: 10-12 the questions: “Do you show your wonders to the dead? Do those who are dead rise up and praise you? Selah, Is your love declared in the grave, your faithfulness in Destruction? Are your wonders known in the place of darkness, or your righteous deeds in the land of oblivion?” The standpoint is obvious: the living must deal with the things of life and not the things before or after life. 

Christians believe the life is an invitation for participating in God's plan. Death results in interim judgments, whether the soul goes to the Heaven, the Purgatory or the Hell. The Last Judgment will decide whether the soul will eternally see God – or never, as casted out in the outer darkness. 

Islam teachings are about Seven Skies (Jannah ~ Heaven); the highest level of Paradise being the Firdaws where the prophets and martyrs, and the most truthful and pious people will dwell. Also, those sacrificing themselves for Islam get instant salvation. 

Taoism and Confucianism deal with things of life such as morals and good government. Hinduism’s core point is reincarnation. It is worth mentioning that it is always the body that let the soul go, and not the other way around. The soul cannot leave the body; if it wants do die, first it needs to destruct the body. The progress in human life aims to get out of the circle of reincarnation. Those who do not need a rebirth but still come back to help others called Bodhisattvas. Currently only one loka (world) is open, namely the human world, so people can reincarnate only in this world. The reason for the growing world population is the quickening samsara (the repeating cycle of life, birth and death), and the only possible way of reincarnation. According to the Hindu mythology at the creation God had separated one part of him and this part split into 14 billion particles, 14 billion God's sparkles.  

The eastern ascetics aims to prepare for death and the life after death, shortening the time of suffering because of physical desires in the previous life. The main point is therefore the self-determination; there is only cause and effect. Buddhism is similar, but there is no belief in an eternal soul and in self-independence from the rest of the universe. According to Buddha the thinker ceases to exist, but the idea remains, those who feel decease but the feeling remains, actors decease but actions remain. This is like ideas, feelings and actions would be energies, separating once but one day uniting they would reconstruct another human being.  

You may want to check out the Wachowskis' film on the idea.
Men live and die for an idea,
But the idea is immortal.
You can persecute it, judge it, forbid it, condemn it to death,
But the idea continues to live in the minds of men….
He whom it penetrates no longer feels isolated,
For above all the idea remains…..”

NOTE: In the Mahayana Buddhism they pray for the dead for 49 days after passing away, 49 being the estimated time it takes for the spirit to be reborn again into a new life. Some spirits are reborn 3 days, 21 days, 49 days or 100 days after death, and in some cases even 7 years.