
RELIGION (6) - Is anybody there? (3)

MYTHS are stories important for a group of people and for a religion. 

The collection of myths is called Mythology. In archaic times myths were considered the calling of the spiritual world.

The human answers to myths are CULTS. For instance, the myth of the resurrection is followed by the feast of the unleavened bread, as a rite, as a cult. We can say that a group of people has a culture, if they deeply live their myths and cults. On the other hand there is only barbarity, where people consider myths and cults as fables. Cults accompany man throughout his life. Their function is, first of all, to reinforce individual and social identities. 

Usually, there are 4 main stages in human life: birth, maturity – end of the childhood, marriage – establishing one's own family, death. All of them have their own cults. For instance, a boy to be considered adult man needs to meet requirements, such as being able to look after his family, self-control, ability to endure spiritual and mental shocks, and to keep quiet. In our days, however, there is no interest in myths; cults disappeared, traditions fading away. It is difficult to reach adulthood in such a well-organized kindergarten as our society – as said by an American sociologist. Therefore, there is growing need for mental and spiritual support, usually to be found within closed small communities. These communities tell you what to believe in and how to live. Polytheist pagan cults demanded their followers to live the fullness of life, including all hidden and extreme opportunities. 

In the MYSTERY everybody actively participated and the goal was an altered state of mind and going beyond the limits of civil life. Thus, this belief sometimes resulted in orgies or ritual killings. Later, the Judeo-Christian monotheist religious ethics prohibited living the extremities of life, the core category becoming compunction and remorse. 

Polytheist believers eased their remorse caused by upsetting one of the deities by praying for another for defence. In contrast, monotheism is characterized by totalitarianism. God is Almighty and Omniscient and therefore cannot be misled or deceived, God looks into the hearts. Remuneration and punishment are at his discretion. Core categories are: sin, compunction, atonement, purification or catharsis, salvation, redemption and damnation. 


CHESS (3.1.) ZEN

In this category I will post games and ideas that seems to be as easy as whirlwinds move feathers - and at the same time as gather a bag of these feathers thrown to the four winds.

The feature game will be recent one. Why not? For everyone knows at least one miraculous piece of art from die Klassikeren. 

It was played at the Gashimov Memorial 2015.
The teacher: Wesley So.
The assistant (who helped create this masterpiece): Rauf Mamedov.

You can have a computer analysis (usually only for a short time) at

Anyway, wonderful play on the one hand, inexplicable behaviour on the other.
When playing at the U.S. Championship 2015 Wesley So just could not resist taking notes.  First on his score sheet, then on his cup (!). No wonder he's been forfeited. No arbiter should decide otherwise. In fact, they were way to fair with him by notifying him twice beforehand. Worth mentioning that these were only short motivating phrases, but still!

You can learn more on this here: http://www.chess.com/news/breaking-wesley-so-forfeited-in-round-9-9186

Just imagine this below would be on a scoresheet

The connection between ZEN and the rules would be an exciting topic to unfold.
In the meanwhile, FIDE Laws of Chess is really worth studying.