
CHESS (4) A Guiness Record Attempt - Sinka, Brigitta's 13600 simul games

José Raúl Capablanca is holding a record of the most simultaneous exhibition games played. The number is 13545, although the games leading to the record are not well documented. 


Sinka, Brigitta (87), or as her friends call her 'Bici néni' of Hungary is really close to beating this record. In April she was at 12160 games and from May on she has started a new trip in the world of simultaneous games.Beginning at the age of 6 she's been playing chess for 81 years. She was not a national champion, she did not earn the GM title, but still became a Master. Besides her good results against different chess masters she is very proud of beating in a tournament Nina Hrušková-Bělská, the then Czechoslovakian champion, although the Hungarian champion and the player who came second, have lost to her. As one of my chess friend, FM Létay, Gyula remarked, everyone wanted to play against her club, the Vörös Meteor as he still remember her stunning red hair and marvellous look. A nice win of her from the 1950s:

Despite being selected for the national team in 1957, she could not play in the first unofficial Olympiad due to a very unfortunate coincidence: she's got her passport tardily. At that time, only 2 players played for a team (they were Hönsch, Irén and Karakas, Éva) and she became a reserve member. However, in a way she was compensated as the Dutch organiser were the first to organise her a 6-board simul. After that, it is history. There is also a documentary on her life: Queen of the Board - with 10000 games to the top (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2023364/?ref_=ttpl_pl_tt)

At the school where we met she played exactly 100 games with  an extraordinary result of 81 wins, 15 draws and only 4 losses. It is worth mentioning that even in the 8th hour of the simul she was not tired to refuse a draw offer without hesitation when she saw she had an advantage.  

When I was invited I was happy to take part in the world record attempt. Our game was her 12495th, an unbelievable number. Below is what we created together.

Have you ever played the Capablanca chess with the Archbishops?

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