
FILM (5) - Best of the Best Thriller Movies

Ready for a Guided Tour?

wanna rape your subconscious? Lars von Trier is eager to assist you.
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0870984/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1 score: 6.6 (n.b.)
http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/1210830-antichrist/ tomatometer: 49%
Music Choice: Anima Sound System: Csango 

have you ever wondered how to feed a creature like the pulp fiction's gimp or a cripple? this film shows it to you.

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0235198/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1 score: 7.2
http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/audition_1999/ tomatometer: 79%
Music Choice: t.A.T.u.: Gomenasai

Devil's Advocate
the devil full of passion at its peak.
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118971/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1score:7.5 http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/devils_advocate/ tomatometer: 66% (n.b.)

Nothing Left To Fear
why is a bcat movie on the list?
well, just watch it, and you will remember the black for along time.
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1662293 score:4.4 http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/nothing_left_to_fear/tomatometer: 8%

planning the perfect revenge? do not forget to watch this movie beforehand.

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0364569/?ref_=chttp_tt_71 score: 8.4
http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/oldboy/ tomatometer: 80%

Music Choice: Erik Sumo & The Fox-Fairies: Dance Dance Have A Good Time ダンスダンス☆ハバグッタイム

El Orfanato
although no blood in this film, this might be the
scariest movie ever. imagine, that you hit somebody with your car, and for a moment that feels like infinity she stars you deep in the eyes. 
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0464141/ score:7.5 http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/the_orphanage/ tomatometer: 87%
Music Choice: Robert Miles: Children

Pan's Labyrinth
evil vs. evil. evil is the dream, evil is the reality. the one-way exit is also evil

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0457430/?ref_=fn_al_tt_4 score: 8.3
http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/pans_labyrinth tomatometer: 95%
Music Choice: Woodkid: Run Boy Run

The Usual Suspects
Wanna be tricky-sneaky? Watch this.

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0114814/?ref_=ttmi_tt score: 8.7
http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/usual_suspects tomatometer: 88%
Music Choice: Misfits: Scream!

The Shining
keeping the tension for an insane slaughter.

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0081505/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1 score: 8.5

http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/shining/ tomatometer: 92

Music Choice: Ministry - "Bad Blood"


Sin City
Simply the cradle of filth.

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0401792/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1 score: 8.1
http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/sin_city/ tomatometer: 78%
music choice: Cradle of Filth: Nymphetamine


directed by Hungarian Nimrod Antal, this film has a safe place on the list. Ever scared of someone knocking hard on your door, and you cannot imagine who is outside? well, this one is for you.

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0452702/ score: 6.2
http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/vacancy/ tomatometer: 56%
Music Choice: Guns n' Roses: Knocking on Heaven's door

#1 Singularity is near

chess zen (3.2.)

Yasser Seirawan makes great videos about various topics.
His videos are accessible at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVWaFpMwtaGiVZ77NhhvGGGzvF7oFSWcA

Here I chose the Ivanchuk-Kramnik game, since it fits perfectly our chesszen/simple chess topic.

You can read more about the 2013 World Championship at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Chess_Championship_2013

Below is the great game won by Ivanchuk.


RELIGION (6) - Is anybody there? (6) Humankind's time

Human has the time between birth and death.

Archaic Judaism believed in a place called Sheol. This place is for the shadows, as in the Greek mythology the realm of Hades. Sheol does not equal to Hell – souls are not suffering, this is a place for the speechless who is still as death. In the scripture it is emphasized that God is the God of the Living and not the Dead. As it is written in Psalm 115:17 “It is not the dead who praise the Lord , those who go down to silence” And in Psalm 88: 10-12 the questions: “Do you show your wonders to the dead? Do those who are dead rise up and praise you? Selah, Is your love declared in the grave, your faithfulness in Destruction? Are your wonders known in the place of darkness, or your righteous deeds in the land of oblivion?” The standpoint is obvious: the living must deal with the things of life and not the things before or after life. 

Christians believe the life is an invitation for participating in God's plan. Death results in interim judgments, whether the soul goes to the Heaven, the Purgatory or the Hell. The Last Judgment will decide whether the soul will eternally see God – or never, as casted out in the outer darkness. 

Islam teachings are about Seven Skies (Jannah ~ Heaven); the highest level of Paradise being the Firdaws where the prophets and martyrs, and the most truthful and pious people will dwell. Also, those sacrificing themselves for Islam get instant salvation. 

Taoism and Confucianism deal with things of life such as morals and good government. Hinduism’s core point is reincarnation. It is worth mentioning that it is always the body that let the soul go, and not the other way around. The soul cannot leave the body; if it wants do die, first it needs to destruct the body. The progress in human life aims to get out of the circle of reincarnation. Those who do not need a rebirth but still come back to help others called Bodhisattvas. Currently only one loka (world) is open, namely the human world, so people can reincarnate only in this world. The reason for the growing world population is the quickening samsara (the repeating cycle of life, birth and death), and the only possible way of reincarnation. According to the Hindu mythology at the creation God had separated one part of him and this part split into 14 billion particles, 14 billion God's sparkles.  

The eastern ascetics aims to prepare for death and the life after death, shortening the time of suffering because of physical desires in the previous life. The main point is therefore the self-determination; there is only cause and effect. Buddhism is similar, but there is no belief in an eternal soul and in self-independence from the rest of the universe. According to Buddha the thinker ceases to exist, but the idea remains, those who feel decease but the feeling remains, actors decease but actions remain. This is like ideas, feelings and actions would be energies, separating once but one day uniting they would reconstruct another human being.  

You may want to check out the Wachowskis' film on the idea.
Men live and die for an idea,
But the idea is immortal.
You can persecute it, judge it, forbid it, condemn it to death,
But the idea continues to live in the minds of men….
He whom it penetrates no longer feels isolated,
For above all the idea remains…..”

NOTE: In the Mahayana Buddhism they pray for the dead for 49 days after passing away, 49 being the estimated time it takes for the spirit to be reborn again into a new life. Some spirits are reborn 3 days, 21 days, 49 days or 100 days after death, and in some cases even 7 years.


CHESS (4) A Guiness Record Attempt - Sinka, Brigitta's 13600 simul games

José Raúl Capablanca is holding a record of the most simultaneous exhibition games played. The number is 13545, although the games leading to the record are not well documented. 


Sinka, Brigitta (87), or as her friends call her 'Bici néni' of Hungary is really close to beating this record. In April she was at 12160 games and from May on she has started a new trip in the world of simultaneous games.Beginning at the age of 6 she's been playing chess for 81 years. She was not a national champion, she did not earn the GM title, but still became a Master. Besides her good results against different chess masters she is very proud of beating in a tournament Nina Hrušková-Bělská, the then Czechoslovakian champion, although the Hungarian champion and the player who came second, have lost to her. As one of my chess friend, FM Létay, Gyula remarked, everyone wanted to play against her club, the Vörös Meteor as he still remember her stunning red hair and marvellous look. A nice win of her from the 1950s:

Despite being selected for the national team in 1957, she could not play in the first unofficial Olympiad due to a very unfortunate coincidence: she's got her passport tardily. At that time, only 2 players played for a team (they were Hönsch, Irén and Karakas, Éva) and she became a reserve member. However, in a way she was compensated as the Dutch organiser were the first to organise her a 6-board simul. After that, it is history. There is also a documentary on her life: Queen of the Board - with 10000 games to the top (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2023364/?ref_=ttpl_pl_tt)

At the school where we met she played exactly 100 games with  an extraordinary result of 81 wins, 15 draws and only 4 losses. It is worth mentioning that even in the 8th hour of the simul she was not tired to refuse a draw offer without hesitation when she saw she had an advantage.  

When I was invited I was happy to take part in the world record attempt. Our game was her 12495th, an unbelievable number. Below is what we created together.

Have you ever played the Capablanca chess with the Archbishops?


RELIGION (6) - Is anybody there? (5)


In religions the most highly regarded emotion is the love (charity). As Paul writes (1 Corinthians 13), “If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. (…) Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. (…) And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” Love is mutual, God loves their children and humans love God. And those whose love is greater have a greater power too. But can God or humans live without love? Probably not, except for those having hellish darkness in their soul. 

An exception is Taoism, where according to Lao-ce Tao precede Love. On the contrary, loathing aims for destruction and annihilation. It can be with or without motivation. A vindictive person can be corrupted, intimidated, silenced by conformist pressure, but hatred itself does not cease to exist. It seems that hatred is decoded in humans’ ancient aggressive instincts

Apart from Love and Loathing we might choose Ataraxia (a lucid state of robust tranquility, characterized by ongoing freedom from distress and worry) which is closely related to apatheia (a state of mind where one is not disturbed by passions). English words for this feeling, closest in meaning: unconcern with contemplation, equanimity, tranquillity. So this is definitely not apathy which has negative connotation. This unconcern is an opt-out which roots deep in ourselves; this is sage, this is the inner freedom of the soul. This is the emptiness, the nothing. This is to be found in everything, as all the colors are to be found in the white color. This is the way of the silence. 


RELIGION (6) - Is anybody there? (4)

Sophists considered thinking an endless process. It can only be stopped by applying value judgements, a characteristic of social studies. Having an opinion means stopping the process and having a view, having a standpoint. This also means that the rational process of thinking is interrupted by emotions, so we feel we have an opinion and we feel it right and true. 
Religions begin with an axiom – the teachings of a Great Spirit are unquestionable. Scientific thinking, however, aims cognition that is making known the unknown; the motivation being the eagerness for knowledge. This also means that every theorem must be provable and confutable. Therefore there is no absolute truth in science. In contrast, religious thinking cannot result in confuting the axiom. The religious truth is not proven but revealed and it is valid through acceptance. In religious thinking the result is sure (predetermined), which is the proving of one of the postulate. So, science is about how the world is, and religion is about how the world should be – as pointed out by Descartes.

There are phenomena which cannot be described or explained by rational means or in a combinative-logic way. In these cases come emotions handy. Since emotions such as mythicism, magic, vision, calling (of God), intuition, dream, interpretation, symbols, tantric representations, mantras, along with deliberately abandoning rationality, and prayers literally are irrational. However, teachings should be considered false if 1. they alienate the disciple from his inherent culture (since it is not a coincidence he was born in that culture); 2. they make the disciple haughty; 3. they do not require spiritual and moral efforts. Similarly, teacher should be considered a swindler, if 1. he accepts everyone who pays the fee, and does not select among students; 2.he makes the disciple dependent on him and kneel before him, and not before God; 3. he prohibits doubts and humor; 4. he keeps chasing up followers and does not wait for disciples coming themselves.

Thinking aims for objectivity and strives to separate the subject (who recognizes) and the object (what is recognized). Emotions are subjective reactions to recognized phenomena. Characteristics of emotions: 1. their opposite is the unconcern, the opt-out; 2. they are not ruled by human will; 3. they do not emerge on a logic base; 4. for emotions chronology does not count; 5. their strengths do not depend on the objective importance or significance of the occurrence; 6. so, emotions have their own subjective laws. 

image credit: skoften.net


RELIGION (6) - Is anybody there? (3)

MYTHS are stories important for a group of people and for a religion. 

The collection of myths is called Mythology. In archaic times myths were considered the calling of the spiritual world.

The human answers to myths are CULTS. For instance, the myth of the resurrection is followed by the feast of the unleavened bread, as a rite, as a cult. We can say that a group of people has a culture, if they deeply live their myths and cults. On the other hand there is only barbarity, where people consider myths and cults as fables. Cults accompany man throughout his life. Their function is, first of all, to reinforce individual and social identities. 

Usually, there are 4 main stages in human life: birth, maturity – end of the childhood, marriage – establishing one's own family, death. All of them have their own cults. For instance, a boy to be considered adult man needs to meet requirements, such as being able to look after his family, self-control, ability to endure spiritual and mental shocks, and to keep quiet. In our days, however, there is no interest in myths; cults disappeared, traditions fading away. It is difficult to reach adulthood in such a well-organized kindergarten as our society – as said by an American sociologist. Therefore, there is growing need for mental and spiritual support, usually to be found within closed small communities. These communities tell you what to believe in and how to live. Polytheist pagan cults demanded their followers to live the fullness of life, including all hidden and extreme opportunities. 

In the MYSTERY everybody actively participated and the goal was an altered state of mind and going beyond the limits of civil life. Thus, this belief sometimes resulted in orgies or ritual killings. Later, the Judeo-Christian monotheist religious ethics prohibited living the extremities of life, the core category becoming compunction and remorse. 

Polytheist believers eased their remorse caused by upsetting one of the deities by praying for another for defence. In contrast, monotheism is characterized by totalitarianism. God is Almighty and Omniscient and therefore cannot be misled or deceived, God looks into the hearts. Remuneration and punishment are at his discretion. Core categories are: sin, compunction, atonement, purification or catharsis, salvation, redemption and damnation.