
happened in the previous episodes (1)

"The "objectivity"
of the social sciences depends rather on the fact that the empirical data
are always related to those value-ideas which alone make them
worth knowing and the significance of the empirical data is derived
from these value-ideas. But these data can never become the
foundation for the empirically impossible proof of the validity of
the value-ideas. The belief which we all have in some form or
other, in the meta-empirical validity of ultimate and final values, in
which the meaning of our existence is rooted, is not incompatible
with the incessant changefulness of the concrete viewpoints, from
which empirical reality gets its significance. Both these views are,
on the contrary, in harmony with each other. Life with its irrational
reality and its store of possible meanings is inexhaustible. The
concrete form in which value-relationship occurs remains
perpetually in flux, ever subject to change in the dimly seen future                
of human culture. The light which emanates from those highest
value-ideas always falls on an ever changing finite segment of the
vast chaotic stream of events, which flows away through time."
(Weber, The Objectivity of the Sociological and Social-Political Knowledge)

Hungarian version - http://lakatos.free.fr/Tanitas/Szociologia/2felev/files/page31_10.htm

pictured Mr Weber joins forces with Mr Faustus

image credits

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