

#1 throughout my career i was working in english, french and german. some weeks ago i started working in hungarian. kind of strange feeling not having to think in a foreign language, not having to understand a foreign person's way of thinking.
during my studies i had courses in english, french and german. for my thesis i used english, french and german sources.
i read english, french and german books. and a lot of hungarian too.
this is why i will write this blog in english, french and german. and hungarian too. de temps en temps i will mix words even within one phrase.
so please use the translate button if need be. to help make google world
a better world.

image credit:

 #2  various topics will be covered. i will make posts about the objectivity and i will use an interdisciplinary approach. i will write about identity, religion, finances, chess etc. in the title i will use capitalized letters when focusing in a post on e.g. MONEY, IDENTITY, CHESS. when dealing with the main topic, objectivity, there will be no such categorization. 

image credit: http://www.thehindu.com/multimedia/dynamic/00500/13smbrinda3_jpg_500849f.jpg 

 #3 when quoting i will give the author's last name and the book or article title at the bottom of the post. i will use mainly online sources so the links will also be displayed. if there is no known author i will just add the web address. with regard to images: i google or flickr them. in general they are under a creative commons licence. i do not own them, so every time i will share the url with you. when i don't make a citation, but recommend a material for further reading only the url will be indicated. this blog is not an academic paper. and  it does not serve any commercial purpose. however, i intend to avoid any plagiarism or copyright infringement. so if you own contents published in this blog and claim copyright over them, please let me know. i will instantly remove them or indicate the appropriate source.

#4 it happens that I have from unknown source. in this case, i indicate this fact with "nn" and after number of the picture within the post.  then again, if you own an image published in this blog and claim copyright over them, please let me know. i will instantly remove them or indicate the appropriate source.

anyway, for academic writing you should check this out https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/
the site contains the most important rules to follow.
to learn more about the creative commons, click on this http://creativecommons.org/licenses/

image credit:http://wp2.cdn.fotografiaecommerce.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Copyright_VS_CC.jpg


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